Harley & Teddy
Thanks to your support, I've been able to send a check for $368 to The Harley to the Rescue Fund to help more puppy mill survivors like Harley & Teddy (and this is for just 22 days of sales).  I will continue to support Harley and his crucial mission and I hope you will continue to join me.  
In addition to the Harley & Teddy print available on my shop, I also offer a Harley & Teddy pocket mirror and pins, and they ALL make wonderful Christmas presents!
Puppy Mills are horrible, sad places, and many people, including dedicated dog lovers, do not even know that they exist. Dogs are stacked in cages, neglected, and starved for the sole purpose of turning a profit.  Please don't purchase dogs online and in pet stores which fuel this cruel puppy trade.   
October 16, 2016 — Red and Howling


mary ann pinto said:

Cheers to you for devoting time and sharing your profits with those lives that were produced for income without compassion or care. Phew long string of words, I meant every word.
Thanks !

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